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By purchasing a NoMachine Subscription you get a one year license and benefit from one year’s technical support and software maintenance. A subscription must be renewed in order to keep the software functional and to continue to receive these services. If you already have a NoMachine account and you would like to have your licenses registered under the same Customer ID, please make sure you are logged in before purchasing. Please contact our Sales Team if you are making this purchase for a third party. If you are an educational institute or a charity, request your Discount Code.

Enterprise Desktop Products Easy and powerful remote desktop for business professionals and any enterprise. Enables secure access to any computer inside your network and lets you add that computer to any of your Cloud Servers.
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Terminal Server Products A fast, powerful, easy to manage solution for publishing any Linux desktop environment and any Linux application on the Internet. Run one server, create the virtual desktops you need for your employees.
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Cloud Server Products The perfect solution to provide a centralized access point and easy management of your entire corporate desktop infrastructure as well as your NoMachine remote desktop environment.
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